We provide our clients the clearest possible view of who the best are, why they are the best, what they are doing to be the best, who’s catching up and who’s slipping away.

Bowen Craggs helps companies to make the most of their corporate digital communication channels. A seat by our window lets you see the data so you can compare yourself with the best, understand what they are doing and discover the approaches and ideas that make them stand out.

We do not build websites and our clients prize the independence of our advice.

We define excellence in corporate digital communications as: Hitting your communication goals and the goals of your visitors, through the effective use of online channels.

You might not be the best yet as there are many challenges to achieving excellence, but you can overcome them if you learn from the best, see what they are doing and use this information as an accelerator to significantly lift the performance of your digital communications. With this in mind, there are three reasons to choose Bowen Craggs.

1. The Corporate Digital Communications Index

The foundation of the Corporate Digital Communications Index is our benchmarking methodology, tailored to the needs of corporate digital channels. The methodology, which is constantly evolving to reflect new trends and best practices, has been employed thousands of times; it is a consistent and repeatable measurement of the effectiveness.

2. Our data and the insights it powers

Decisions and actions should be based on great data, and we’ll help you see your audiences more clearly; their diversity, their complex needs, and their varying expectations when it comes to your communications.

Access your benchmarking scores and performance report through an interactive online platform. The platform also includes the most comprehensive source of corporate digital best practices ever compiled. These tools give you a clear view on areas to improve, so your organisation can become the best in digital corporate communications.

Understand your visitors and their goals from our online research that is tailored exclusively to corporate websites. Convince decision-makers and educate colleagues using evidence that comes straight from the people who are visiting your corporate website. Compare your key performance indicators against a peer group, using anonymised data from our client base.

3. Our team’s expertise

Our Bowen Craggs’ team has extensive experience in corporate digital communications, coming from a range of disciplines and backgrounds – business journalists, website editors, corporate web managers and agency professionals.